Project: Water for Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, access to clean drinking water is extremely problematic. It is estimated that on average only 27% of the population has the possibility of accessing clean water, and this percentage tends to drop dramatically in regions such as Tigray where 11% of the population have access to clean drinking water. Diseases linked to intestinal infections are strongly related to this and tend to affect the most vulnerable such as children, old men and women. With the development of a well in Tigrai, 500/700 people have been given the opportunity to resolve a major problem.
Un bambino raccoglie acqua potabile da un nuovo pozzo
The project
As part of the partnership established between Progetto Familia onlus and the Catholic Association of Adigrat, a project has been made to build the well of Gereb in the Woreda of Gulomekada in the Tigray region in Ethiopia. The objective is to drill a well to a depth of between 50 and 70 metres. The well will then be equipped with a mechanical pump and protected by fencing. The total number of beneficiaries will be approximately 355 individuals in addition to those in nearby villages who will benefit from access to clean water.
A Water & Sanitation committee will be established to guarantee proper maintenance and operation of the well.
The well is scheduled for inauguration in October 2017.
The responsible for Progetto Familia for the Acqua per l’Etiopia project is Mr. Padraig Feeley.
The company UNIVERSAL PACK, with its Water Is Life project, is the main sponsor of the Gereb well.
Completion percentage:
100%For more informations:
You can make a donation through bank transfer to:
Progetto Familia Onlus – Viale Mar Jonio, 4 – 20148 Milano
• Bank account: Unicredit Banca SpA, Filiale Milano Ricciarelli – IBAN: IT 33 C 0200801626000100407996
• Postal account n: 67472290
Reason for payment: “Progetto: Pozzo di Gereb”You can also support us donating via Paypal